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Old 19-10-2012, 06:39 PM   #55
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Default Re: AU Scantool Experiments (codes/live data!)

Yep Gaz has the right answers for what to put in the boxes! In the 7th box (unit type) you can either just leave it blank or put kPa. If you specify the unit type the Torque app will convert it to PSI if you have that set in the unit preferences etc. The post with the PIDs to enter is here:
Except I had the short term fuel trim wrong (backwards).. the corrected equation is here:

The responses are actually in hex (base 16). Torque will automatically convert each byte from hex to decimal (base 10). But it won't automatically convert a two-byte response into a decimal number. That's why we have to multiply the first byte by 256. It's a bit confusing so don't worry if you don't understand this. Just remember that to convert a 2-byte response into one decimal number use A*256 + B. Then apply the scale factors and offsets. So for MAP, the equation is (A*256 + B) / 4

For long term fuel trip (for example), the equation is (A*256 + B) / 2.56 - 100 And the min and max are +/- 30, but these numbers don't really matter and are just for setting the default gauge scaling.

For trans fluid temp, there are no offsets or scaling, so the equation is just A*256 + B

For battery voltage, only one byte is returned. Torque automatically converts this byte to decimal, so we just need to apply the scale factor. So the eqation is just A / 16

For vehicle speed the equation is (A*256 + B) / 320

etc... hopefully you can work the rest out from here!
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